Los Angeles Light Rail – Long Beach, CA

Segura Associates, Inc., was retained by the City of Long Beach as a cohesive part of the design team responsible for design development of the Long Beach portion of the Light Rail Transit Project. Working with a special city Task Force Segura Associates Inc., acted as a liaison between the City of Long Beach and the “Los Angeles County Transportation Commission” (LACTC).

The final design for the 6.4 miles stretch along Long Beach Blvd. balances the numerous safety requirements with the aesthetic goals of the City. The design encourages a comprehensive street tree program leading to the more active downtown area. New paving, street furniture and canopy shade trees are proposed for the pedestrian oriented downtown area. The median design consists of a mix of palms, small flowering accent trees, shrubs and ground cover. Plant material was carefully selected to insure that there were absolutely no conflicts with high voltage overhead catinary wires, rail operators, site lines and pedestrian travel to and from rail stations.

Numerous workshops were conducted with the various related agencies to assure that all aspects of safety, security and design concerns were addressed with in the final Design Development Program.